Costanza BISSOLI
& CASA 12, a lockdown elegy.
€13.00 – €18.00
WEIGHT: 300 gr.
The 13 pieces (12 Pieces for Piano + Casa 12) are in increasing difficulty from level early intermediate to early advanced. The pieces have a lyrical/dreamy character that can be freely interpreted in tempo (tempo rubato) and which for Costanza is a necessary contribution of the pianist.
Please choose the product type below for your purchase:, HARDCOPY (printed and stapled in the spine, 18 euros) or PDF with the option ‘READ and PRINT’ (13 euros).
Costanza Bissoli is an Italian pianist/composer born in Verona (1967). She began her classical piano training at the age of fourteen. Her first compositions stemmed from preparations for a classical test while taking her 8th grade piano degree. They were for her a counterpoint to the complexity of high demands of dedication and determination that the Western cultural music demands. Costanza says, ‘I discovered the thrill of noting my emotions in a free way yet anchored in classical principles.’
She composes in a free style and often in ‘tempo rubato’. The compositions are lyrical and at the same time poetically dreamy.
The 12 pieces for piano in this NOTUS publication are in increasing difficulty from early intermediate to early advanced level. In addition to their lyrical/poetic nature, all piecesoffer a unique experience in the freedom of interpretation Costanza allows in each piece. For Costanza, this personal interpretation is an important and even necessary addition to her compositions.
In addition to these 12 pieces, the composition ‘CASA 12, a lockdown elegy’ was created during the quarantaine period of the first Covid-19 pandemic in spring 2020 in which Italy and primarily the region where Costanza lives and works was severely affected. Costanza also lost a dear family member … this was the reason for composing ‘CASA 12, a lockdown elegy’.
– size 21.7 x 31.5 cm
– number of pages: 40
– stapled in the spine
– weight: 250 gr. + packaging 50 gr = 300 gr.
– cover : 4-color printing
– interior: black
– illustrated with 2 photis and 3 graphic-photographic illustrations.
Version: PDF-READ-and-PRINT
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NOTUS Music Notation © 2016, Erwin Clauws / NOTUS Music Notation is a registered trademark.
Composer: © Costanza Bissoli
Editor: Erwin Clauws
Photography p. 2 and back cover © Costanza Bissoli
Advisors: Costanza Bissoli & Francesco Bellomi.
Cover, layout, graphic-photographic illustrations and NOTUS Sheet Music © 2020 — Erwin Clauws, NOTUS&BOOKS&SHEETS.
No part of this publication may be distributed or used commercially in any way (hardcopy, digital copy, internet) without prior permission from the author and publisher.